WLGO Newsletter – Q2 2014

Dear WLGO members,

Happy 2014!  After an excruciatingly long winter for those of us not blessed to live in temperate climes, spring is finally around the corner.  And with it, our first newsletter of the year.  Please check out all the upcoming WLGO events, find out more about some of our members, and laugh a little (cry a little) reading “Recline, don’t lean in (why I hate Sheryl Sandberg).”

Thank you so much to our 2014 newsletter volunteers – Grace Overlander, Emily Chang, Charlie Lieu, Michele Parrish, and Cindy Closkey.

As always, if you would like to dedicate a teensy part of your life to helping out with this, let me know!

This letters topics:

Shafali & the 2014 Newsletter team

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Leadership on Boards Panel: May 22 Noon PDT/3pm PDT

Women Leaders of Global Operations (WLGO) PRESENTS:

Leadership on Boards

Improved Performance though Director Diversity 

May 22nd Noon PDT/3pm EDT via WebEx

What do boards really do?

Why would you want to be on a board?

 How does one become a director?

How does one become a true leader on a board? 

How does board leadership improve organizational performance?

These questions and more will be answered in this WLGO sponsored webinar with special guests (bios below): 

Betsy Berkhemer-Credaire, Author of The Board Game, Retained Executive Search

Denise Johnson, VP Caterpillar, Sloan Alumna, LGO Operating Committee Member

Mark Parrish, President & CEO Stuart Dean Company  

Stephanie Sonnabend, Public Company CEO, President and Director, Co-Founder and Chair at 2020 Women on Boards, Sloan Alumna


To Register Go To:

1. Go to https://mit.webex.com/mit/j.php?ED=269385057&RG=1&UID=0&RT=MiMxMQ%3D%3D 

2. Register for the meeting.  Once the host approves your request, you will receive a confirmation email with instructions for joining the meeting.  To view in other time zones or languages, please click the link: https://mit.webex.com/mit/j.php?ED=269385057&RG=1&UID=0&ORT=MiMxMQ%3D%3D 

3. Complete the 30sec pre-panel survey; Go to:  https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/2RK68DK

San Francisco Face to Face Events

WLGO San Francisco Meet-Up (March 8, 2014)

The first WLGO Bay Area meet-up took place at Foreign Cinema in SF on 3/8/2014, coincident with the International Women Day.  Eight of us met up to exchange tidbits on life after LGO and happenings in LGO.  There were interests to connect offline, since 6 of 8 are based in SF.  We’ve also realized that this allowed alumnae to reach out to earlier and recent graduates.  We teased that this was an atypical table, with all technically-oriented women spanning careers in academia, venture capital, big corporations in high tech and biotech, and operations consulting.  What a microcosm of WLGO community!

The next event is scheduled on April 30 from 6:30-9:00PM in SF (location TBD).  This is a pre-LGO alumni conference event, to take advantage of conference attendance from May 1 – 2.   Please stay tuned for more information from the conference planning committee!         

–        By Bonnie and Annie


Clockwise from bottom left:  Amy Lin (’10), Bonnie Kao (’93), Linda Chao (’93), Rachel Sheinbein (’04), Annie Kang (’12), Dhanya Rangaraj (’13), Tatiana Bonnefoi (’12) and Tamara Buckfelder (’09)

Promise-based Management and Living



Amiel Handelsman Presents:  Promise-based Management and Living

This recording is now available on the WebEx service site. Click the link below to play it: 


 Small changes in how you speak and listen can make a big difference in your leadership and career. Whether you are leading execution of critical projects or navigating the challenges of work/life balance, the ability to make and keep promises—and guide others to do the same—is crucial for success. What is the difference between a fuzzy promise and a solid promise? What are the attributes of an effective request? What are the four legitimate responses to a request? How do you negotiate when you or someone else cannot fulfill a promise on time? Who is responsible for reporting completion, and what happens if they don’t?  We’ll use these questions as a guide for exploring the common breakdowns you experience in work and the rest of life—and how to resolve them with skill and power. 


Amiel Handelsman is an executive coach and change consultant based in Portland, Oregon. He has coached many women leaders, from front-line managers to executives developing billion-dollar businesses. He is the author of Practice Greatness: Escape Small Thinking, Listen Like A Master, And Lead With Your Best (forthcoming, 2014). He is the proud husband of LGO grad, Julie Endress.

Topic: WLGO Presents: Amiel Handelsman 
Date: Thursday, April 24, 2014 
Time: 12:00 pm, Pacific Daylight Time (San Francisco, GMT-07:00) 

To register
1. Go to https://mit.webex.com/mit/j.php?ED=51657393&RG=1&UID=0&RT=MiM0 
2. Register for the meeting. 
3. Check for confirmation email with instructions on how to join 

Recording Available: Leveraging Leadership to Reach Your Dreams by Arham Faraaz


  WLGO: Leveraging Leadership to Reach Your Dreams-20140116 0332-1
Create time:   1/15/14 11:33 pm
File size:   28.01MB
Duration:   58 minutes
Streaming recording link:  
Download recording link:  

Kick-off 2014 with Inspiration and New Perspective: Special KeyNote Presentation 1/15 7:30pm PST

Dear WLGO,

 Happy New Year! We are kicking off 2014 with a fabulous inspirational keynote presentation from Arham Faraaz, Best Selling Author and Motivational Speaker from India.  Arham will be speaking on Leveraging Leadership to Reach Your Dreams.

Please see the attached fliers and profile for more information. We hope you will join us for this exciting event. Come, be inspired, and lead at new levels!

Who: Arham Faraaz, Best Selling Author and Motivational Speaker from India

What: Leveraging Leadership to Reach Your Dreams 

When: Wednesday, Jan 15th at 7:30 PST   (recording will also be available)

How: WebEx — See Below. Please RSVP by responding directly to michele@parrishpartners.biz by Monday 1/13/14.  Don’t forget to add this to your calendar!

Topic: WLGO: Leveraging Leadership to Reach Your Dreams 
Date: Wednesday, January 15, 2014 
Time: 7:30 pm, Pacific Standard Time (San Francisco, GMT-08:00) 
Meeting Number: 646 047 800 
Meeting Password: wlgo 

To join the online meeting 
Go to https://mit.webex.com/mit/j.php?ED=259470277&UID=490874202&PW=NZWQ5YTExYmI3&RT=MiM0 

Audio conference information 
To receive a call back, provide your phone number when you join the meeting, or call the number below and enter the access code. 
US Toll Number: +1-617-324-0000 

Access code:646 047 800 

For assistance 
1. Go to https://mit.webex.com/mit/mc 
2. On the left navigation bar, click “Support”. 
To add this meeting to your calendar program (for example Microsoft Outlook), click this link: 

To check whether you have the appropriate players installed for UCF (Universal Communications Format) rich media files, go tohttps://mit.webex.com/mit/systemdiagnosis.php

Attention Firefox and Chrome users: 
Google and Mozilla recently announced the upgrade of Google Chrome v32, expected on *Jan 14, 2014, and Firefox v27, on *Feb 4, 2014. These browsers will automatically block the Netscape Plug-in Application Programming Interface needed to join WebEx meetings. These policy changes apply to all operating systems supported by Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox. Please forward this information along to others you include as meeting attendees. 

For additional information and instructions to enable the plug-in (after the browser update), and for support, please read the IS&T KB article:http://kb.mit.edu/confluence/x/KDIYCQ 

*Browser releases are controlled by Google and Mozilla; dates are subject to change. 

Note: Safari and Internet Explorer users are not affected. 


IMPORTANT NOTICE: This WebEx service includes a feature that allows audio and any documents and other materials exchanged or viewed during the session to be recorded. You should inform all meeting attendees prior to recording if you intend to record the meeting. Please note that any such recordings may be subject to discovery in the event of litigation.

Final 2013 Newsletter

As 2013 rushes to its inevitable end, this is the final newsletter for the year.   Thank you to Michele Parrish, Emily Edwards, Mary Anito, Stacey Bergman, Wini Hebalkar, and Cindy Closkey who spent time to reach out to our community and make the newsletter possible.  Thank you, also to everyone who took the time to share something about themselves with us.  

If you have enjoyed this newsletter, we would love to have a few more volunteers.  Please contact me at shafalir@hotmail.com

Happy Holidays!
Michele & Shafali

In this newsletter:

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Alternative Career Paths by Andrea Jones


Andrea Jones presented an excellent and well-attended session on alternative careers this month.  If you were unable to attend or would like to reflect further on the topic, please see the attached transcript and recording below.  Many thanks to Andrea for her demonstrated leadership and commitment to the WLGO community.



Please Join the National Conversation on Board Diversity

Dear WLGO Members,

You are invited to join the national conversation on board diversity on 11/12/13.   Please see details below.  I encourage you to attend one of the events if you are interested in board opportunities now or in the future, or if you think it simply makes sense for women to be represented appropriated on U.S. company boards.

If you choose to attend, please consider sending me a note about your experience.  We are kicking off our WLGO Women on Boards initiative in November as well, and we will be leveraging learnings from this national conversation to guide our work.


Michele Parrish
WLGO Founder & Chair
LFM/LGO ’95   


On 11/12/13, hundreds of people at events around the country will be talking about board diversity. Will you be at the table? 

Join us on November 12th at events happening throughout the United States to hear dynamic speakers and panelists discuss their experience with board service and learn how you might become involved.

2020 Women on Board (2020 WOB) is a non-profit campaign mobilizing professional women and men from all corners of the country to influence US companies. Our ultimate goal: to increase the number of women on boards of directors to 20% or greater by 2020. 

On 11/12/13, our second annual National Conversation on Board Diversity will educate people about boards and diversity and advocate for change. Our first, on 12/12/12, engaged more than 1400 people at 27 events in 21 cities and thousands more on social media.

The National Conversation events raise important funds for 2020 WOB to support research, outreach and communications. 2020 WOB tracks board diversity with the 2020 Diversity Index, offers diversity transparency with the 2020 Directory, congratulates the “W” winners who are already at 20%, and encourages other companies to add qualified women to their boards. 

For more information and to register for an event, please visit http://www.2020wob.com/11-12-13. Whether or not you can attend at event, please register your support at www.2020wob.com, if you believe qualified women deserve a seat at the table.

Can we count on your participation?

Stephanie Sonnabend
Co-Founder and Chair
2020 Women on Boards

Professor Roy Welsch Asks WLGO Inputs on Leadership for Women in Statistics…

Roy Welsch
  Hi Everyone,

As you can see from below, I am on a panel about Educating Future Leaders in Statistics and Maximizing the Likelihood of Leadership: Perspectives from and on Women in Statistics. I am the only male on the panel. (Not sure how I obtained that honor.)

Does anyone have any thoughts or anecdotes about this topic? While this panel is at the major annual meeting of statisticians, I think the emphasis on women in leadership positions and how they get there.

The date for the panel discussion is 
August 6, 2013.



Sponsor: Caucus for Women in Statistics

Organizer: Yulia R. Gel and Amanda Golbeck (aaa@yahoo.com)

Title: Educating Future Leaders in Statistics and Maximizing the Likelihood of Leadership: Perspectives from and on Women in Statistics

Abstract: In recent years there has been increasing awareness of the need to enhance leadership qualities among statistics professionals. However, relatively little attention has been devoted to selecting, developing and enriching aspects of leadership training. The goal of this panel discussion is to offer fresh and engaging approaches to assist future leaders of diverse backgrounds in converting passion for statistical science into high achievement and responsible leadership, and to identify opportunities to foster their creative outputs and bring forth their voices.
This invited panel aims to address substantially less investigated issues faced by women leaders in statistics. It also will highlight unique strategies and skills that women can bring into educating and fostering future statistics leaders in industry, governmental agencies and academia. This will advance overall leadership education, enhance leadership diversity and facilitate balanced professional growth of both genders.

Key words: leadership, gender balance, women in statistics, statistical education, Statistics2013, emerging future leaders

Morton, Sally – University of Pittsburgh ( Presenting )
Clark, Cynthia – USDA ( Presenting )
Keller, Sallie Ann – University of Waterloo ( Presenting )
Welsch, Roy – Massachusetts Institute of Technology ( Presenting )
Esterby, Sylvia – University of British Columbia ( Presenting )
Zou, Kelly – Pfizer, Inc ( Presenting )