WLGO San Francisco Meet-Up (March 8, 2014)
The first WLGO Bay Area meet-up took place at Foreign Cinema in SF on 3/8/2014, coincident with the International Women Day. Eight of us met up to exchange tidbits on life after LGO and happenings in LGO. There were interests to connect offline, since 6 of 8 are based in SF. We’ve also realized that this allowed alumnae to reach out to earlier and recent graduates. We teased that this was an atypical table, with all technically-oriented women spanning careers in academia, venture capital, big corporations in high tech and biotech, and operations consulting. What a microcosm of WLGO community!
The next event is scheduled on April 30 from 6:30-9:00PM in SF (location TBD). This is a pre-LGO alumni conference event, to take advantage of conference attendance from May 1 – 2. Please stay tuned for more information from the conference planning committee!
– By Bonnie and Annie
Clockwise from bottom left: Amy Lin (’10), Bonnie Kao (’93), Linda Chao (’93), Rachel Sheinbein (’04), Annie Kang (’12), Dhanya Rangaraj (’13), Tatiana Bonnefoi (’12) and Tamara Buckfelder (’09)