Professor Roy Welsch Asks WLGO Inputs on Leadership for Women in Statistics…

Roy Welsch
  Hi Everyone,

As you can see from below, I am on a panel about Educating Future Leaders in Statistics and Maximizing the Likelihood of Leadership: Perspectives from and on Women in Statistics. I am the only male on the panel. (Not sure how I obtained that honor.)

Does anyone have any thoughts or anecdotes about this topic? While this panel is at the major annual meeting of statisticians, I think the emphasis on women in leadership positions and how they get there.

The date for the panel discussion is 
August 6, 2013.



Sponsor: Caucus for Women in Statistics

Organizer: Yulia R. Gel and Amanda Golbeck (

Title: Educating Future Leaders in Statistics and Maximizing the Likelihood of Leadership: Perspectives from and on Women in Statistics

Abstract: In recent years there has been increasing awareness of the need to enhance leadership qualities among statistics professionals. However, relatively little attention has been devoted to selecting, developing and enriching aspects of leadership training. The goal of this panel discussion is to offer fresh and engaging approaches to assist future leaders of diverse backgrounds in converting passion for statistical science into high achievement and responsible leadership, and to identify opportunities to foster their creative outputs and bring forth their voices.
This invited panel aims to address substantially less investigated issues faced by women leaders in statistics. It also will highlight unique strategies and skills that women can bring into educating and fostering future statistics leaders in industry, governmental agencies and academia. This will advance overall leadership education, enhance leadership diversity and facilitate balanced professional growth of both genders.

Key words: leadership, gender balance, women in statistics, statistical education, Statistics2013, emerging future leaders

Morton, Sally – University of Pittsburgh ( Presenting )
Clark, Cynthia – USDA ( Presenting )
Keller, Sallie Ann – University of Waterloo ( Presenting )
Welsch, Roy – Massachusetts Institute of Technology ( Presenting )
Esterby, Sylvia – University of British Columbia ( Presenting )
Zou, Kelly – Pfizer, Inc ( Presenting )