It’s the time of year when AMITA reaches out to the women of MIT to offer the opportunity to connect with a diverse and talented group of alumnae – a group of women of all ages that seeks to mentor, coach, and support fellow MIT women in their professional and personal lives, and work together on activities and events to improve the MIT experience for women. And just as important, AMITA’s social events are an opportunity to meet other MIT women and have fun!
What is AMITA?
Founded in 1899, the Association of MIT Alumnae is dedicated to providing a means for former women students to maintain contact with each other and MIT. We also support current women students at MIT with our various on-campus activities, giving them a chance to meet and talk to alumnae. We hold a variety of events around the country to provide alumnae with an opportunity to stay in touch and to stay informed about issues and developments that are relevant to their lives. For more information, visit
Why Join AMITA?
- Keep in touch and network with the MIT alumnae community
- Access a broad range of events: professional development, social, philanthropic
- Interact with and mentor students to improve their MIT experience
- Help provide scholarships to undergraduate women each year
Upcoming Events
- November 2012: Panel event on women and entrepreneurship
- December 2012: Ellen Swallow Richards Birthday Celebration and AMITA Holiday Party
- January 2013: IAP event with students and alumnae on “Life after MIT”
- June 2013: Annual Meeting during Graduation Alumni Weekend
While the majority of our events are based in Cambridge, we would love to support alumnae connections wherever you are located. If you are interested in forming a local chapter and having events in your area, please let us know!
How to Join
For the first time, AMITA is offering one-year rolling membership ($25 for regular annual membership; $35 for contributing membership, which includes annual membership and a $10 contribution to our undergraduate scholarship fund). Life membership is available for $350.
Annual, contributing, and life membership registration is available at: Additional contributions towards the AMITA Scholarship or other funds are always welcome!
We look forward to hearing from you and would love to receive your comments on events and programs you would like AMITA to provide in the future.
Veena Jayadeva
Course 15, MBA, ’10
AMITA VP of Membership |